Non-Principal Property Practitioner
Richard has lived in Richards Bay since 1984. He has worked as an Architectural Technologist for most of his career and operated his own practice for fifteen years where he designed many homes in the area, as well as schools and been involved in project management here and further afield, including Botswana.
Part of his portfolio is that he has supervised the construction of many buildings ranging from single-room community projects, private dwellings, schools to large government projects.
Being well acquainted with the property market, his keen eye for detail and passion for meeting Clients needs will enable you to find the home best suited for you.
Part of his portfolio is that he has supervised the construction of many buildings ranging from single-room community projects, private dwellings, schools to large government projects.
Being well acquainted with the property market, his keen eye for detail and passion for meeting Clients needs will enable you to find the home best suited for you.
Richard Page
3 Prominade Building
24 Lira Link
Richards Bay
Tornospace (Pty) Ltd Harcourts Zululand, a franchisee of Harcourts South Africa (Pty) Ltd, registered with the PPRA.