The Blue Circle Diaries - Team Jackie Johnson

The Blue Circle Diaries - a twice-monthly Q&A featuring valuable insights into the strategies, processes, and philosophies of our agency elite! Get that diary out and take some notes!

Here's another one of our Blue Circle subjects, Team Jackie Johnson from Harcourts Upper Highway - No.8 in the country!

Why did you decide to join Harcourts?

I liked the smartness of the Harcourts brand and felt welcome by the business owners and existing team in the Upper Highway office. It felt like the right choice, I wanted to be associated with a team that took pride in what they delivered to the marketplace.

What is your favourite thing about being a Harcourts team member?

I find the Harcourts values so simple and elegant. I like that it's not a complicated statement, just simple, clear, and real. The tech we have access to is very exciting. To think we have a whole marketing department and tech department working on these aspects of our business daily is a wonderful asset to my business.

What do you enjoy most about being in real estate?

I love that I get to build my real estate business while partnering with a powerhouse brand. Being able to reap rewards without limit really excites me, I have an entrepreneurial spirit - most of my family and friends think I'm nuts to wake up every day "unemployed" and although that can be scary, I find it motivating and exciting.

What advice would you offer to people new to the industry?

It would be ideal to have at least 6 months living expenses in savings when starting your real estate business/career. Alternatively, have a friend's house to sell as you walk in the door on the first day! The sales cycle in real estate is quite long, from the day you start working on a property to the day you get real money in your bank account can be about 6 months. Plan for that.

What is your most memorable career moment to date?

The day I launched my very first AUCTION listing! I had been frustrated with many parts of the traditional sales model for years and had been waiting in anticipation for the auction option for years. Finally, being able to do my very own auction was exhilarating! A close second was making it into the Blue Circle this year - what a delightful celebration of determination and grit.

What activities have led to your success?

Doing the daily, small steps that lead to a sale, consistently. Focusing on these steps and not the sale. Speed to lead - I challenge myself to call the lead back as soon as humanly possible. Work on my unique selling proposition and seeing how I can improve myself and my service offering to create a value offering difference that clients are willing to pay for. Improving my self-worth and defending my commission - believing in myself. Managing the feast and famine cycles of the money to create certainty in my finances which eliminates the desperation of commission breath - this has made me very strong in negotiations. As much as possible taking care with due diligence and prep before the listing goes live. Being careful with the details, to avoid costly issues arising after the sale has been done. Double check contract for initials after signing.

What is your secret to maintaining a strong relationship with clients?

I focus on listening to them and I ask questions to further understand what they are looking for or how they are feeling about selling their home. I try and connect with them on a human level. Care about them and their needs while guiding them through the often emotional and stressful process. Show up on time! ☺ Do what I say I'm going to do. Under promise and over deliver.


20 Jun 2022
Author Harcourts South Africa
94 of 121
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