TO LET - Warehouse 1328m2 - Twenty One Industrial, Clayville.
Occupation: ASAP
Size: Total space plus minus 1328m2
Cost per m2 = R90.55 per m2 excl VAT
Consisting out of one large open space and 100m2 of offices
This excludes:
Municipal Fees and...
TO LET - Warehouse 350m2 - Clayville, Olifantsfontein
Occupation: ASAP
Size: Total space plus minus 350 m2
Total cost per month including VAT: R26400.00
Consisting out of one large open work space.
The unit has one 4 m roller shutter door.
TO LET - Warehouse of 870m2 - Clayville, Olifantsfontein
Occupation: ASAP
Size: Total space plus minus 870m2. Another 150m2 of mezzanine space for storage
Cost per m2 = R50 per m2 excl VAT.
Unit price is R45 000 before Vat and Utilities.